An online course to

launch and grow your business beyond $1M per year

Learn the same strategies and tactics used by the most successful companies in the nation to plan, launch, and grow their businesses in today’s environment.

STEP 1: Enroll in the course
STEP 2: Watch the videos
STEP 3: Launch and grow a successful business

Is Your Business Going Under Because You Can’t Get Funding?

It’s frustrating when you have to do everything yourself because you lack the support and resources to help you. When you don’t have the funding you need, you’ll have to deal with:

Unprofitable or marginally profitable business

Don’t know whether you'll be able to generate the revenue to pay bills

Stressed about whether you'll meet your goals

Minimal number of customers

Little or no committed, experienced and qualified staff

No cash to invest in business growth

Most entrepreneurs fail in business because they need funding but don't know how to get it. When you take The Think Big with Geoffrey Kent course you'll build a fundable plan that gets the money you need to grow your business and exit when and how you want to.

I think it's amazing the kind of insight that you get on how you think about your small business. Also great tips and tricks on how to expand and also building your business plan really well.
Dawn Hunter


Think Big

Questions & Answers

Think Big Questions & Answers are questions asked by real entrepreneurs (just like you), with simple explanations to teach you how to:

  • Align entrepreneurship with passion, so you love what you do, by doing what you love,
  • Laser focus on identifying unserved or underserved customers whose problems can be uniquely solved by your products/services,
  • Form unconventional strategic alliances to gain an advantage over competitors,
  • Build relationships with existing customers to transform them into long-term brand evangelists,
  • Access capital by understanding what motivates others to invest in your vision, and
  • Build a team capable of helping you realize your business vision.


How to Launch and Grow Your Business Beyond $1M Per Year

"I’ve been in a few of Geoffrey's recent sessions and was blown away by the wisdom he's sharing. Every entrepreneur that has a goal of exponential growth needs to learn from Geoffrey Kent."
"Geoffrey will provide you the key information to help you build a successful business. To build a successful business it takes a team and Geoffrey will give you the template on how to build your business on a rock sold foundation."

Course Modules


You will learn how to create a business from your passion, how to find your unique niche market, discover any blind spots that may hinder your progress in the future, and become a Member of our Private Member Only Group.


You will pin-point the vision that will guide your success, identify your correct target audience(s) with confidence and accuracy, learn to outsmart your competition and the secrets to winning any customer.


You will find out what Alpha vs Beta customers are and why this is important, what a customer beachhead is and how to secure one, how to become a world-class brand and what marquee customers are and how to find them.


You will discover the one mindset rule you must follow when building partnerships, what alliance partnerships really are and why they’re important, what alliance networking is, how it really works and why it’s one of the easiest, yet most overlooked ways to grow a business fast. You’ll hear me explain my fast-growth formula.


Every successful business is planned in advance. This week you will learn to understand how investors think and how to sway them. You will learn how to know your numbers without being a mathematician; as well as, the importance of the 4-C matrix and how to use it.


Even lone wolves need an A-Team. Discover why and what type of people you must avoid when building your team. You will learn how to enable your team in ways they’ll steer you into success; and yes, you will learn why you need to know why and how to plan for your desired exit.


Putting knowledge into practice. Learn how NOT to feel or become overwhelmed. You do not have to be a creative genius to have a successful business; and yes, you can be “a creative” and a winning entrepreneur! It’s not either/or. Learn why. During this week, you’ll be offered the chance to be selected for 1-on-1 assistance to present for the financing required to grow your business.

This course will change your trajectory. It'll change your business.
His course will help any entrepreneur who's serious about building a business and doing it the right way.

Ursula Sharp

We Want to See Your Business Win

Fast Company published that most business go under after just 10 years. I understand how devastating it can feel to fail at business. When I learned these great business principles, I realized that with proper execution any business can succeed.

Over the last 40 years, I’ve taught many entrepreneurs how to build successful businesses around their passion, dominate their target markets, and turn customers into evangelists who buy everything they sell.

You NEVER Have to Fail at Business Again

Geoffrey has been an invaluable advisor to me, and he will be an invaluable advisor to anyone who takes the entrepreneurship journey seriously.

Kahiga Tiagha

You CAN Have a Thriving Business

1. Enroll in the course
2. Watch the videos
3. Launch and grow a successful business

Stop Being a Confused Business Owner
Start Being an Ambitious Entrepreneur

Every good idea deserves to be supported. Most people don’t know how to get funding for their business. They’re confused about how to talk to the investment community, who to pitch to, how to pitch to them, and what documentation they should provide. You can’t be an entrepreneur who changes the world if you don’t receive funding.

Complete the course at your own pace

Think Big has been designed to be a flexible and self-paced 7-week course, so you can direct your own learning, completing the course whenever it works for your schedule. Course participants also have unlimited access to the course.

Expert support

This interactive course contains a series of narrated PowerPoint slides, interspersed with videos, exercises, supplemental reading and reference materials, and weekly challenges. There is also a private Facebook group for the Think Big course, where weekly Zoom chats are held to facilitate collaborative learning with me and other course participants. I am also a successful serial entrepreneur who has taught entrepreneurship at the college level, so I have a clear understanding of what needs to be taught to maximize the probability of achieving entrepreneurial success (and how to customize what needs to be taught, so that it can be successfully applied by any entrepreneur).

A Lack of Access to Information Can Stunt the Growth of Your Business

See What Danelle Got from Taking the Course

I want to thank him for taking the time. The one on one attention that he gives to each and every participant; and the outreach and networking opportunities that come from being a part of this program.

Danelle Pinder

When You Enroll in the Course:

Become a member of ThinkBig's private Facebook group to network, collaborate, and problem-solve with peers.

Craft a business plan that has the maximum probability of obtaining financing.

Access my propriety 4C Matrix business strategy tool to help guide you through appropriate business investment strategies as your business scales.

Gain access to my network of potential strategic alliance partners, customers, and board members.

𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗢𝗡𝗨𝗦!!! If your business is selected, you'll be offered the chance to be selected for 1-on-1 assistance to present for the financing required to grow your business.

Have Questions?
Schedule a Consultation

Get investors to buy-in to provide you with funding for your business.
Feel confident knowing you have a fundable business plan.
Become a business that plays a part in creating meaningful, well-paying jobs that transform communities all over the world.